RLSS Rookie Lifeguard

RLSS UK’s Rookie Lifeguard programme gives your child the skills they need to be
confident in the pool or the sea – which means peace of mind for you. With colourful
materials and fun, varied activities, the Rookie Lifeguard scheme teaches children how to
swim and enjoy water safely, whether in shallow or deeper water.
The Rookie Lifeguard Awards are for your children if they are budding lifeguards. Developed by the Royal Life Saving Society UK in conjunction with the Swim England, the Rookie Lifeguard Awards offer parents the comfort of knowing their children are aware of how to avoid dangers and enjoy the water safely.
The Bronze, Silver and Gold stage awards ensure children have a solid safety
education, and have learned rescue and resuscitation techniques. Each stage of the Rookie Lifeguard Awards is sub-divided into three levels and each stage runs roughly for eight to 10 weeks. Your children can enter a course at any point during the stage and progress at his or
her own speed. The Rookie Lifeguard Awards programme also includes a Water Safety Award, a
Life Support Award and Achievement Awards.
For more info contact: southminsterpool@swswimming.com